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Showing posts from June, 2019

Eyes: How They Work, Anatomy and Common Condition

 The eye is a complex sensory organ that allows us to see the world around us. The eye works by gathering light from the environment and converting it into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. The basic structure of the eye includes the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. The cornea is the transparent outer layer of the eye that helps to focus incoming light. The iris is the colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light that enters the eye through the pupil, which is the black circular opening in the center of the iris. The lens is a clear, flexible structure located behind the iris that helps to focus light onto the retina. The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye and contains photoreceptor cells called rods and cones. These cells convert light into electrical signals that are sent to the brain via the optic nerve. The rods are responsible for the low light vision and detecting motion, while the cones are resp

Theories for origin of life on earth

  Theories for origin of life     Our today's topic is Theories for origin of life, so there are many philosophers and scientists who were tried to explain the origin of life on Earth and give many theories so in this topic we will discuss about these theories and see that from where the thinking of origin of life occurs and and which is the best theory which explain this question properly.So ,lets come and reveal the truth about our blue, living planet earth that how life originated on earth. 1. Theory of special creation: This is mythology based theory. The greatest supporter of this theory was Father Suarez . This theory said us that : (a)  All living organisms that we see today were created as such. (b)  The diversity was always the same since creation and will be the same in future. (c)  The earth is about 4000 years old. But today  we will  know that our earth is not thousands of years old as was thought earlier but billions of years old, from the fossils

Origin of universe

                                 what is universe                                                &                               how it comes in existence? The first question in our topic is what is universe , so let us talk about it. universe , it is a huge cluster of galaxies and these galaxies contains many stars and clouds of gases and dusts and all other forms  of matter and energy So this is our universe.Now think what is the size of universe ? Its size is unimaginable , considering the size of universe, earth is indeed a speck i.e. The universe is too vast and its size is not limited it is expanding from the time of beginning of universe to presently with great speed in all direction. while it is possible to measure the size of observable universe, which is currently estimated to be 93 billion light years in diameter Now let us talk about second question that how universe comes in existence so many scientists try to explain the existence of universe but the